Sunday 25 May 2014


Dear H

 I miss you so much .

 Taking a break from studying for physiotherapy . Here are my one month five updates .So you'd know what's happening in my town. Hopefully you'll be intrigued by all the drama and miss me so much.
You'll decide to come to my town .

 I wonder if you're still "here" .So I can send you a care package of some things I think you'd like .

 My anticipation for the 5th year prom is high ,I wonder what dress I'll wear .I wonder if we'd get to be together .Either way ,we could always do two proms next year :)

 There is this little discovery: Shoe cushions are amazing .Everyone should wear them . They have the magical property of allowing one to wear a size bigger shoes :D

 A  lazy girls guide to herb potting ,is to choose herbs that don't like water .Basil and Rosmary are my choice . WHIZ!

Here is a rose from me to you

I picked it up yesterday ,from behind the  residence building.I was lucky there weren't any grannies on their balconies to snap at me ,while steeling the neighborhood roses :D


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