Thursday 15 May 2014

Climbing trees

Around the building we live in ,three plum trees bare fruits . Coming back from classes ,I go around to pick some green plums .I have to say ,their one of the summer's best features ,and they taste like childhood .

The summer days I spent in Targovishte ,playing with the kids from the block ,running ,climbing trees. There was one tree we could tackle ,to reach the branches of green plum . We'd fill our pockets,then eat them all up . Rendering us with upset tummies .

Here is a song from Little mint's and my new favorite show

Hissar was another place where, my bro and I would form a gang of children ,dedicated to tree climbing and fruit picking . We spent a good deal of time searching for the sugariest cherries in town . Most of the trees we sought were behind fences .Hence we'd often get scolded by elderly people ,on the street or those behind the fences .To clarify we never went beyond the fence of people's houses .However I guess they still own the branches hanging over the street and elderly are prone to being upset ,if you take their fruit .

It is funny now ,that I imagine all of us four to five kids climbing a tree .so eager to collect .

The best cherries in town ,were in the yard of an abandoned house .Or so we though .Still a  mystery ,since we did see ,opened windows on occasions .So we had our theories .Scared or not we wanted these cherries .Eventually we'd leave the yard in a hurry ,with a satisfactory amount of fruit and the incidence of cherry stained clothing .lesson learnt ;They'r not to be put in pockets .

Come cherry season ,I'll be in session ,studying my brains out :)


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