Thursday 17 April 2014


In the Western world, I guess the word "God" generally refers to Jesus Christ.

When I say God, I don't really know what exactly I mean by it, and weather if it's god or God is still a mystery.

For the past 4 months or so, I've been looking for my own God. Something or one that I can rely on when I want to.

It used to be my granpa, and it still is as I have one still going, but losing quarter of the grand parents we Asian kids so much depend on has been a big shock.

The loss of him also made me question my own life. What I've been doing isn't exactly what I wanted to be doing. I feel like such a loser at times, and I'm comfortable with thinking how I please my parents the other times.

I guess I could call it a crisis, but I'm not depressed or desperate yet. I've just started thinking like I actually can think, outside of what my parents or namely mom would like.

What's wrong with me today is beyond me but I'm currently happily eating dark chocolate covered cherries from Bio Market. You really ought to try it if you like that kind of a thing, R! I would however still choose chocolate covered dates over these..

I dunno R, should I stick to looking for Whalley since it's too easy and hard to find God?

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Ice Cream

I wish I had some ice cream in the fridge.
I want that ice cream to have some fudge.
I will eat the fudge like I had some urge.
I wish the fridge was full of the icre cream with fudge.
Maybe then, you will visit me and my fridge.

How many days till you travel?


Sunday 13 April 2014

Back Online

So yesterday after very many days I was back online to do my usual online activities which of course involves interraction with R. I initially wrote R, and thought to read her posts here but to my delight she happened to be online and we even got to chat and arrange my visit to her :D

R and I have so many must-do-together things on the to-do list, and I don't know if we have large enough stomach for them all, but we will get to everything someday. For now, top of my curiosity list is chocolate covered oreos.

Btw R, the site you introduced me to yesterday ships everywhere in the world! I really want your dad to get you a card and monthly allowence so that you can collect dresses, and we can do the themed tea parties like Alice in Wonderland :))

I'm still waiting for the tea sets I've accumulated over the years to arrive. A friend who has drink service business is helping with the storage and transportation.

I've been craving some caramel popcorn since yesterday. I dunno why, but the caramel popcorn from kino A in G mall always upsets my stomach. Or intestines... I won't go into details. I wonder if we could caramelize home popped popcorn. Pretty sure we could, but I mean like easily.

Oooh hey I got the Nirvana frozen yoghurt yesterday, and the forest fruit one is nice! Little Mint won't like it probably tho, so if we get one together it's probably gonna be the chocolat one. I dunno, I find the chocolate with sour things combination unpleasant, so I generally don't go for chocolate+yoghurt things but maybe this frozen yoghurt won't be so bad. I didn't find it sour at all. Just like a light nice ice cream-ey yoghurt-ey sour cream?

I need to get back to studying. And it has to be daily. For which I got to first get Harrison back from a former colleague. Wish me luck on that one. I'll be reading your Nelson in the mean time. I love peds, so it's a good book to read to get me back in the routine :)


Thursday 10 April 2014

pharyngitis or something

My throat is red ! I conclude after a brief examination in the mirror with a source of light pointed at where it hurts when I swallow .I also have a slight headache and congested nose . Genuinely I do feel as horrid as not to go to school , requiring rest and sleep. I thought it is a "Must" to go to classes today ,and how heroic that will be of me . When it comes to me being a slight hazard for others getting sick I only took one simple measure : tell colleagues and excuse my distance.

To be completely honest I thought of putting a mask ,but I thought it not so urgent .
When I got to class I made sure I sit far from others and the teacher .I had at least 5 meters between me and the teacher and I thought it sufficient . Who asked ; whether I was sick and why am I present if so . My answer was that I didn't wan't to miss important classes . She asked ;whether I have any concern for others health -while covering her face ( a gesture quite weird )  .Seeing that this is a concern for her and others health becoming my concern ,I suggested going to the nearest department and getting  a face mask. Quickly I passed by the otorhinolaryngology on the same floor ( how convenient ) ,covered my ,went back to class . Then was less of a worry .

If ,however ,being in the same room with others while in such discomfort is a risk for them ,then ,pardon my mistake. I have not  had the Infectious disease block ,YET .

Deliberate hospital manners -wear a mask during epidemics and when you are contagious ,in consideration for others health .

Forgetting that tiny incident .One fun activity for , times like these when one is stranded to a blanket, at home and sick, is to play games ,I would go for "Her interactive" once a year . C0urrently its  "GeoGuesser " a game with Google maps where your randomly placed at a Google maps location anywhere in the world and basically have to guess after a little wandering around the location . It is fun for us world travel lovers and I do recommend it to you H .
here is a link to the game :

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Salute to all you oreo lovers around the world .While peanut butter and oreo is worth trying ,today I had the wonder of trying chocolate covered oreo cookies .Little mint said and I quote "best oreo I have ever tried " .

I went to Obstetrics class today and to my disappointment my colleagues did not grace the department with their presence ,which would have meant that there would be no class for one eventually.I  waited for 20 minutes while reading on postpartum complications .

When the teacher came ,I was surprised she didn't send me home . Instead I got to palpate a normal uterine fundus ,postpartum and got to change post surgical bandage and remove peritoneal drainage .That describes me having a blast .One of these exercises when I feel motivated to go back home and study or try out new sweets .

To be honest ,ever since I significantly reduced fuzzy sugary drinks intake ,I have a lower tolerance to glucose -I just can't have as much as before .
Well these chocolate covered variant of oreos are 
great .


Monday 7 April 2014

Strawberry Frenzy

Coming back from Dermatology class -we had a psoriasis case today - I passed by the bazaar .To my delight strawberries have become exceptionally affordable  ,so I got a couple of small boxes -one kilogram in sum-from two different shops ,hence to increase my chance of getting a sugary batch .An excuse to digustate from both samples at home .

During the weekend I completed the checklist with included springtime reorganizing my wardrobe .
Although I haven't been a firm doer of springcleaning itself ,I have always been a fan of rearranging the clutter created over time ,with the purpose of  having a frrsh start .However as it is spring and I did some cleaning ,I think it has a meaningful purpose in timing and usefulness .After the task was done ,I felt refreshed .Less upset about hordering and more cheerful concerning the rediscovered outfits ,that were hidden .

One item all by its lonesome was the hello kitty cozy blouse from oysho I have from H .It is the twinzy of her hello kity blouse ,and I swore I would wear it only when H and I wear them together during a friday movie night or such ,on a winter night .Unfortunately we have been in two different places ,for this winter and couldn't much party .That is ,party with tea and oreo  or french marmalade cookies.


Saturday 5 April 2014

Things are slow

Mini Eclairs from La Bocca across the university are heavenly .This is one of the most important sentences in this post . The rest is me rambling about how I haven't had things done ,and am behind schedule on reading the curriculum ,which is really bad . Anyway back to the deserts ,these mini delights are truly a "must try",so this is what we are doing when you pass by to visit H :)

Saturdays start with a breakfast ,a cup of green tea ,and a to do list .I visit the bazaar ,have my pick of fruit ,colors and scents ,then walk back home . Today I had to force myself to write a check list of chores ,in order to do it ,and finally get things done . Going to the bazaar was cheerful ,the air was fresh ,and the market people in good spirits. My though was that would lift me up and I'll go home checking that list ,DONE ,DONE and DONE . Nevertheless I hadn't glanced at that Clair Fountain's page ,with any desire to start with the laundry or study ophthalmology .


Thursday 3 April 2014


I really enjoy reading what H has written . It brings out her flamboyant personal touch and some of our inside jokes ,especially the one about my eyes being big ,which I myself find as a term of endearment . Just like we would use "hey you " as a greeting or as a start of a message .

This Monday -which feels ages ago ,being a busy,busy student-during a gap in between classes I finally went to a laser specialist to remove my facial vegetation . Eight people were in front of me inline for the doctor .
Luckily the procedure is pretty quick,patients would pass by rapidly ,so waiting wasn't a complete bore . Naturally peoples phones were ringing and they were answering   and talking .  In this hour or so I waited for my turn - because my phone battery was lowering and I had no textbook to amuse myself with- entertainment included guessing what dermatological pathology are the patient there for ,and judging people on their ringtones .

I am not kidding ,a mans phone rang with Rockies theme music -not "eye of the tiger" -anyway I understand the geek factor related to it ,still ,too easy.Five minutes later anther one rang with the Star Wars sound track, at this day and age , these things are too main stream .

When it was my turn for sitting under the laser ,I knew it would hurt ,and was hoping it wouldn't leave much of a scar ,since I haven't gone through that before . All in all I wanted the Verruca gone ,because even when reading ,I could see it peripherally ,some of my teachers are getting distracted by it ,and I got bored telling tales of I though initially it was basal cell carcinoma while I was studying for Radiology exam.

The laser itself on touching the derma stings and burns ,and the scent of burnt is alerting .

I was supposed to not expose the area to water for three days as doctor's orders ,however accidentally I did on the second day . Also making sure it doesn't get any sun rays in my opinion , wearing mom's  larger glasses outside .

 When my phone is not on silent  ,which is rarely,and I happen to be in public ,I would be embarrassed a little from my ringtone .Because nowadays it is that of Mortekai and Rickby from "The Regular Show"singing ,that I should pick up my phone  ...which can be downloaded on Cartoon Network site .And that was it uncovering of that mystery. I chose this particular one when little mint had a loop of "Get Lucky" and I was super jelly from that .

Can't wait till H comes back to visit . Got to pick up on our tea parties .For now I will get back to studying ,and prep for the next competition I'll enter . Out of the blue...Surgical suturing and node making .You guessed it I am newbie and will learnt it from YouTube : D .


Wednesday 2 April 2014

Le Wedding

So a day after tomorrow is a second wedding of a friend I'm attending this year, and this is I think the 5th wedding I'm attending in my life.

I wonder what yours will be like, R. Will there be jewelled camel, gold coated dates, mint tea in silver cups? You will look so beautiful in a dress. And so will your huge eyes! :D

I have never however been to a Japanese friends' so I'm a bit nervous about it. This country is still very traditional when it comes to things like this, and I'm not familiar with all the rules.

This hotel where I always am, repeat customer of the pity drink bar, sometimes has a wedding and I see a lot of middle aged ladies in kimono. For a wedding that starts at 12, I have to go to the hotel at 10:30 to get them to dress me and do my hair. Isn't kimono weird? Not many people can wear one on their own anymore.

I however can get into the normal sleeve kimono on my own. This time I will be wearing the full length sleeved kimono called furisode, so I'm gonna get them to dress me so things don't go wrong during the ceremony.

OK, this hotel has this weird drama playing in the lobby, a soap where there is this lady as the main character attempting to concieve thru IVF. My god since when is this acceptable in Japan? Sperm, egg, fertilization... Normal process of life of course, but weren't this a country where those things were only semi-acceptable if discussed between doctor and patient or friends of the same sex?

I saw on news last night about the earthquake in Chile. I'm so impressed that despite it being quite a big one, they managed to keep the victim as low as 6. It's still not ok, 6 precious lives of course, but considering the size of it that's a rather good news. 3.11 quake in Japan didn't kill many people either, but the tsunami that followed swiped a wide area away and it was shocking.

I can't imagine what a 30m high wave would look like when it's approaching. 
Have you ever been to one of those streaming pool, one like the river? I used to really like swimming against the current as a kid, because you never can. The power of water is so strong and it tires you pretty quickly too. When I recall that, to think that people got swallowed by one much aggressive and cold, is very sad. The stream pool was warm water and it was still thrilling to be pushed around by water.

It's raining for the past couple of days. Not a good news for me, as I needed to wash my clothes before I pack them to prepare to leave, but I haven't been able to. It also doesn't help that I'm walking around outside wearing what precious clean pieces I have left. I should get used to wearing the same item at least a couple of times, but I just have this must-wash-after-each-wear thing going on. I think most people with dermatitis will agree. It just doesn't feel right to wear it again.

I think if I had skin beautiful and intact like yours R I would be able to comfortably repeat wear stuff like normal people do. When I was working my granma was laughing that she didn't know weather I was making any money as quite a large part of my earning went to the dry cleaners for the suits.

I'm wearing a Donald Duck hoodie at the mo lol, my new fave. I love being at grand parents' place. Noone knows me so I can dress however the holy heaven I desire.

Oooh I forgot to tell you, my granma's cousin brought me a bicycle so I went to Adidas to get a sneaker, Amazon to get a backpack, and GAP to get a hoodie. I'm back to livin la tomboy life.

When you come over, I need to get another bicycle so we can ride around together :D I wonder if in BG I can go to school on a bike. Will I stand out? probably... and it might be stolen there easily..

I wonder if I should call Lufthansa and ask how much they will charge me for taking the bicycle back.