Thursday 17 April 2014


In the Western world, I guess the word "God" generally refers to Jesus Christ.

When I say God, I don't really know what exactly I mean by it, and weather if it's god or God is still a mystery.

For the past 4 months or so, I've been looking for my own God. Something or one that I can rely on when I want to.

It used to be my granpa, and it still is as I have one still going, but losing quarter of the grand parents we Asian kids so much depend on has been a big shock.

The loss of him also made me question my own life. What I've been doing isn't exactly what I wanted to be doing. I feel like such a loser at times, and I'm comfortable with thinking how I please my parents the other times.

I guess I could call it a crisis, but I'm not depressed or desperate yet. I've just started thinking like I actually can think, outside of what my parents or namely mom would like.

What's wrong with me today is beyond me but I'm currently happily eating dark chocolate covered cherries from Bio Market. You really ought to try it if you like that kind of a thing, R! I would however still choose chocolate covered dates over these..

I dunno R, should I stick to looking for Whalley since it's too easy and hard to find God?

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