Tuesday 4 March 2014


I love eclairs. I think they're called nigurche in Bulgaria. Here in Japan it's eclea. They're an elongated version of cream puffs with chocolate grazing at the top. Mmm, I could use another one of those! Although I can't have them often as they always have custard in them which inevitably always has egg in it. But I have zaditen at the mo' and I. Just. Had. One!

I like icings in general, especially the ones made with real cream. I also like sour cream. And butter. I guess I like fat, to put it boldly. And sadly, I look like it.

I wish I had taken a photo of the eclair I just had, but since I didn't I will google image something. Ah,

this one looks mmmmm!

But you know R, like you mentioned, other people have access to this blog too so maybe if there's much access I will delete the photos from google in the posts in the future.

Speaking of cream, I think that yoghurts with at least 3% fat are so much tastier than say 1.5 or 2%. I love how in BG you could choose from so many different varieties. There are some that are much more like sour cream than yoghurt too because they're very very thick, and those with blueberries are my absolute favorite!

I miss you, R. Can't wait to visit you and to have you visit me!


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