Wednesday 30 July 2014

Nest for One and a Half

Well, now that Ive settled with the idea which enables me to quit missing you, I had better hurry up and find somewhere to come back to before I leave!

I hope there will be something near our dear friend and foe Marina. It would be perfect if it was on peace street, too, but the agent I wrote to hasn't responded.

Tuesday 29 July 2014


Dear R
Your last post is so heart warming, I almost hugged my backpack, alone, in a cafe!
I miss you a lot too. Seriously considering going back to be your colleague these days..
It will definitely be fun, and it will save me expensive chocolates if you know what I mean, which you do ヽ(・∀・)ノ
I'm in looooove with the cheesy carrot cake from Starbucks. 
The drink is their new cookie crumble frapuccino. Frappucino?
Maybe its frappuccino.

Sunday 25 May 2014


Dear H

 I miss you so much .

 Taking a break from studying for physiotherapy . Here are my one month five updates .So you'd know what's happening in my town. Hopefully you'll be intrigued by all the drama and miss me so much.
You'll decide to come to my town .

 I wonder if you're still "here" .So I can send you a care package of some things I think you'd like .

 My anticipation for the 5th year prom is high ,I wonder what dress I'll wear .I wonder if we'd get to be together .Either way ,we could always do two proms next year :)

 There is this little discovery: Shoe cushions are amazing .Everyone should wear them . They have the magical property of allowing one to wear a size bigger shoes :D

 A  lazy girls guide to herb potting ,is to choose herbs that don't like water .Basil and Rosmary are my choice . WHIZ!

Here is a rose from me to you

I picked it up yesterday ,from behind the  residence building.I was lucky there weren't any grannies on their balconies to snap at me ,while steeling the neighborhood roses :D


Thursday 15 May 2014

Climbing trees

Around the building we live in ,three plum trees bare fruits . Coming back from classes ,I go around to pick some green plums .I have to say ,their one of the summer's best features ,and they taste like childhood .

The summer days I spent in Targovishte ,playing with the kids from the block ,running ,climbing trees. There was one tree we could tackle ,to reach the branches of green plum . We'd fill our pockets,then eat them all up . Rendering us with upset tummies .

Here is a song from Little mint's and my new favorite show

Hissar was another place where, my bro and I would form a gang of children ,dedicated to tree climbing and fruit picking . We spent a good deal of time searching for the sugariest cherries in town . Most of the trees we sought were behind fences .Hence we'd often get scolded by elderly people ,on the street or those behind the fences .To clarify we never went beyond the fence of people's houses .However I guess they still own the branches hanging over the street and elderly are prone to being upset ,if you take their fruit .

It is funny now ,that I imagine all of us four to five kids climbing a tree .so eager to collect .

The best cherries in town ,were in the yard of an abandoned house .Or so we though .Still a  mystery ,since we did see ,opened windows on occasions .So we had our theories .Scared or not we wanted these cherries .Eventually we'd leave the yard in a hurry ,with a satisfactory amount of fruit and the incidence of cherry stained clothing .lesson learnt ;They'r not to be put in pockets .

Come cherry season ,I'll be in session ,studying my brains out :)


Fruit syrup

The weather is getting warmer ,and I dehydrated .

Two week countdown till the summer examination session ,and I got the jitters .
I can't seem to be having enough time to prepare for some of the minor exams and tests we're having for the end of this semester .My mind is racing every night  ,trying to resolve uncompleted tasks ,and to put them in check list to be procrastinated for the weekend .Resulting in restlessness and insomnia .

Typical R's syndromes for unresolved issues .

I knew I had to had a quick snack ,to calm down my autonomic nervous system .In order to fall asleep.In the kitchen while I was prepping my sandwich I though : I know what could quench my thirst in this warm weather . At that moment I was thinking of a fruit concentrate ,that can be diluted in water .Something I'd frequent on a summer night .So I tried to remember the name of that deep pink fruit concentrate I used to have in Jordan .

With no affiliation or intention to advertise ,here is a link to the site, some Arabic music and finally the drink itself

OH this gorgeous sweet berry tonic of summer .If I could only have some right now . Luckily I can ask daddy ,to package me some .

It's comforting to think of that .

I remember how sweet it is to have you and me , H ,going about our tea , brunches , movie nights and long chit chats about everything .I miss you H . How wonderful would it be if you would be back here ,we'd be in the same town . Out and about planning picnics .


Thursday 17 April 2014


In the Western world, I guess the word "God" generally refers to Jesus Christ.

When I say God, I don't really know what exactly I mean by it, and weather if it's god or God is still a mystery.

For the past 4 months or so, I've been looking for my own God. Something or one that I can rely on when I want to.

It used to be my granpa, and it still is as I have one still going, but losing quarter of the grand parents we Asian kids so much depend on has been a big shock.

The loss of him also made me question my own life. What I've been doing isn't exactly what I wanted to be doing. I feel like such a loser at times, and I'm comfortable with thinking how I please my parents the other times.

I guess I could call it a crisis, but I'm not depressed or desperate yet. I've just started thinking like I actually can think, outside of what my parents or namely mom would like.

What's wrong with me today is beyond me but I'm currently happily eating dark chocolate covered cherries from Bio Market. You really ought to try it if you like that kind of a thing, R! I would however still choose chocolate covered dates over these..

I dunno R, should I stick to looking for Whalley since it's too easy and hard to find God?

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Ice Cream

I wish I had some ice cream in the fridge.
I want that ice cream to have some fudge.
I will eat the fudge like I had some urge.
I wish the fridge was full of the icre cream with fudge.
Maybe then, you will visit me and my fridge.

How many days till you travel?


Sunday 13 April 2014

Back Online

So yesterday after very many days I was back online to do my usual online activities which of course involves interraction with R. I initially wrote R, and thought to read her posts here but to my delight she happened to be online and we even got to chat and arrange my visit to her :D

R and I have so many must-do-together things on the to-do list, and I don't know if we have large enough stomach for them all, but we will get to everything someday. For now, top of my curiosity list is chocolate covered oreos.

Btw R, the site you introduced me to yesterday ships everywhere in the world! I really want your dad to get you a card and monthly allowence so that you can collect dresses, and we can do the themed tea parties like Alice in Wonderland :))

I'm still waiting for the tea sets I've accumulated over the years to arrive. A friend who has drink service business is helping with the storage and transportation.

I've been craving some caramel popcorn since yesterday. I dunno why, but the caramel popcorn from kino A in G mall always upsets my stomach. Or intestines... I won't go into details. I wonder if we could caramelize home popped popcorn. Pretty sure we could, but I mean like easily.

Oooh hey I got the Nirvana frozen yoghurt yesterday, and the forest fruit one is nice! Little Mint won't like it probably tho, so if we get one together it's probably gonna be the chocolat one. I dunno, I find the chocolate with sour things combination unpleasant, so I generally don't go for chocolate+yoghurt things but maybe this frozen yoghurt won't be so bad. I didn't find it sour at all. Just like a light nice ice cream-ey yoghurt-ey sour cream?

I need to get back to studying. And it has to be daily. For which I got to first get Harrison back from a former colleague. Wish me luck on that one. I'll be reading your Nelson in the mean time. I love peds, so it's a good book to read to get me back in the routine :)


Thursday 10 April 2014

pharyngitis or something

My throat is red ! I conclude after a brief examination in the mirror with a source of light pointed at where it hurts when I swallow .I also have a slight headache and congested nose . Genuinely I do feel as horrid as not to go to school , requiring rest and sleep. I thought it is a "Must" to go to classes today ,and how heroic that will be of me . When it comes to me being a slight hazard for others getting sick I only took one simple measure : tell colleagues and excuse my distance.

To be completely honest I thought of putting a mask ,but I thought it not so urgent .
When I got to class I made sure I sit far from others and the teacher .I had at least 5 meters between me and the teacher and I thought it sufficient . Who asked ; whether I was sick and why am I present if so . My answer was that I didn't wan't to miss important classes . She asked ;whether I have any concern for others health -while covering her face ( a gesture quite weird )  .Seeing that this is a concern for her and others health becoming my concern ,I suggested going to the nearest department and getting  a face mask. Quickly I passed by the otorhinolaryngology on the same floor ( how convenient ) ,covered my ,went back to class . Then was less of a worry .

If ,however ,being in the same room with others while in such discomfort is a risk for them ,then ,pardon my mistake. I have not  had the Infectious disease block ,YET .

Deliberate hospital manners -wear a mask during epidemics and when you are contagious ,in consideration for others health .

Forgetting that tiny incident .One fun activity for , times like these when one is stranded to a blanket, at home and sick, is to play games ,I would go for "Her interactive" once a year . C0urrently its  "GeoGuesser " a game with Google maps where your randomly placed at a Google maps location anywhere in the world and basically have to guess after a little wandering around the location . It is fun for us world travel lovers and I do recommend it to you H .
here is a link to the game :

Tuesday 8 April 2014


Salute to all you oreo lovers around the world .While peanut butter and oreo is worth trying ,today I had the wonder of trying chocolate covered oreo cookies .Little mint said and I quote "best oreo I have ever tried " .

I went to Obstetrics class today and to my disappointment my colleagues did not grace the department with their presence ,which would have meant that there would be no class for one eventually.I  waited for 20 minutes while reading on postpartum complications .

When the teacher came ,I was surprised she didn't send me home . Instead I got to palpate a normal uterine fundus ,postpartum and got to change post surgical bandage and remove peritoneal drainage .That describes me having a blast .One of these exercises when I feel motivated to go back home and study or try out new sweets .

To be honest ,ever since I significantly reduced fuzzy sugary drinks intake ,I have a lower tolerance to glucose -I just can't have as much as before .
Well these chocolate covered variant of oreos are 
great .


Monday 7 April 2014

Strawberry Frenzy

Coming back from Dermatology class -we had a psoriasis case today - I passed by the bazaar .To my delight strawberries have become exceptionally affordable  ,so I got a couple of small boxes -one kilogram in sum-from two different shops ,hence to increase my chance of getting a sugary batch .An excuse to digustate from both samples at home .

During the weekend I completed the checklist with included springtime reorganizing my wardrobe .
Although I haven't been a firm doer of springcleaning itself ,I have always been a fan of rearranging the clutter created over time ,with the purpose of  having a frrsh start .However as it is spring and I did some cleaning ,I think it has a meaningful purpose in timing and usefulness .After the task was done ,I felt refreshed .Less upset about hordering and more cheerful concerning the rediscovered outfits ,that were hidden .

One item all by its lonesome was the hello kitty cozy blouse from oysho I have from H .It is the twinzy of her hello kity blouse ,and I swore I would wear it only when H and I wear them together during a friday movie night or such ,on a winter night .Unfortunately we have been in two different places ,for this winter and couldn't much party .That is ,party with tea and oreo  or french marmalade cookies.


Saturday 5 April 2014

Things are slow

Mini Eclairs from La Bocca across the university are heavenly .This is one of the most important sentences in this post . The rest is me rambling about how I haven't had things done ,and am behind schedule on reading the curriculum ,which is really bad . Anyway back to the deserts ,these mini delights are truly a "must try",so this is what we are doing when you pass by to visit H :)

Saturdays start with a breakfast ,a cup of green tea ,and a to do list .I visit the bazaar ,have my pick of fruit ,colors and scents ,then walk back home . Today I had to force myself to write a check list of chores ,in order to do it ,and finally get things done . Going to the bazaar was cheerful ,the air was fresh ,and the market people in good spirits. My though was that would lift me up and I'll go home checking that list ,DONE ,DONE and DONE . Nevertheless I hadn't glanced at that Clair Fountain's page ,with any desire to start with the laundry or study ophthalmology .


Thursday 3 April 2014


I really enjoy reading what H has written . It brings out her flamboyant personal touch and some of our inside jokes ,especially the one about my eyes being big ,which I myself find as a term of endearment . Just like we would use "hey you " as a greeting or as a start of a message .

This Monday -which feels ages ago ,being a busy,busy student-during a gap in between classes I finally went to a laser specialist to remove my facial vegetation . Eight people were in front of me inline for the doctor .
Luckily the procedure is pretty quick,patients would pass by rapidly ,so waiting wasn't a complete bore . Naturally peoples phones were ringing and they were answering   and talking .  In this hour or so I waited for my turn - because my phone battery was lowering and I had no textbook to amuse myself with- entertainment included guessing what dermatological pathology are the patient there for ,and judging people on their ringtones .

I am not kidding ,a mans phone rang with Rockies theme music -not "eye of the tiger" -anyway I understand the geek factor related to it ,still ,too easy.Five minutes later anther one rang with the Star Wars sound track, at this day and age , these things are too main stream .

When it was my turn for sitting under the laser ,I knew it would hurt ,and was hoping it wouldn't leave much of a scar ,since I haven't gone through that before . All in all I wanted the Verruca gone ,because even when reading ,I could see it peripherally ,some of my teachers are getting distracted by it ,and I got bored telling tales of I though initially it was basal cell carcinoma while I was studying for Radiology exam.

The laser itself on touching the derma stings and burns ,and the scent of burnt is alerting .

I was supposed to not expose the area to water for three days as doctor's orders ,however accidentally I did on the second day . Also making sure it doesn't get any sun rays in my opinion , wearing mom's  larger glasses outside .

 When my phone is not on silent  ,which is rarely,and I happen to be in public ,I would be embarrassed a little from my ringtone .Because nowadays it is that of Mortekai and Rickby from "The Regular Show"singing ,that I should pick up my phone  ...which can be downloaded on Cartoon Network site .And that was it uncovering of that mystery. I chose this particular one when little mint had a loop of "Get Lucky" and I was super jelly from that .

Can't wait till H comes back to visit . Got to pick up on our tea parties .For now I will get back to studying ,and prep for the next competition I'll enter . Out of the blue...Surgical suturing and node making .You guessed it I am newbie and will learnt it from YouTube : D .


Wednesday 2 April 2014

Le Wedding

So a day after tomorrow is a second wedding of a friend I'm attending this year, and this is I think the 5th wedding I'm attending in my life.

I wonder what yours will be like, R. Will there be jewelled camel, gold coated dates, mint tea in silver cups? You will look so beautiful in a dress. And so will your huge eyes! :D

I have never however been to a Japanese friends' so I'm a bit nervous about it. This country is still very traditional when it comes to things like this, and I'm not familiar with all the rules.

This hotel where I always am, repeat customer of the pity drink bar, sometimes has a wedding and I see a lot of middle aged ladies in kimono. For a wedding that starts at 12, I have to go to the hotel at 10:30 to get them to dress me and do my hair. Isn't kimono weird? Not many people can wear one on their own anymore.

I however can get into the normal sleeve kimono on my own. This time I will be wearing the full length sleeved kimono called furisode, so I'm gonna get them to dress me so things don't go wrong during the ceremony.

OK, this hotel has this weird drama playing in the lobby, a soap where there is this lady as the main character attempting to concieve thru IVF. My god since when is this acceptable in Japan? Sperm, egg, fertilization... Normal process of life of course, but weren't this a country where those things were only semi-acceptable if discussed between doctor and patient or friends of the same sex?

I saw on news last night about the earthquake in Chile. I'm so impressed that despite it being quite a big one, they managed to keep the victim as low as 6. It's still not ok, 6 precious lives of course, but considering the size of it that's a rather good news. 3.11 quake in Japan didn't kill many people either, but the tsunami that followed swiped a wide area away and it was shocking.

I can't imagine what a 30m high wave would look like when it's approaching. 
Have you ever been to one of those streaming pool, one like the river? I used to really like swimming against the current as a kid, because you never can. The power of water is so strong and it tires you pretty quickly too. When I recall that, to think that people got swallowed by one much aggressive and cold, is very sad. The stream pool was warm water and it was still thrilling to be pushed around by water.

It's raining for the past couple of days. Not a good news for me, as I needed to wash my clothes before I pack them to prepare to leave, but I haven't been able to. It also doesn't help that I'm walking around outside wearing what precious clean pieces I have left. I should get used to wearing the same item at least a couple of times, but I just have this must-wash-after-each-wear thing going on. I think most people with dermatitis will agree. It just doesn't feel right to wear it again.

I think if I had skin beautiful and intact like yours R I would be able to comfortably repeat wear stuff like normal people do. When I was working my granma was laughing that she didn't know weather I was making any money as quite a large part of my earning went to the dry cleaners for the suits.

I'm wearing a Donald Duck hoodie at the mo lol, my new fave. I love being at grand parents' place. Noone knows me so I can dress however the holy heaven I desire.

Oooh I forgot to tell you, my granma's cousin brought me a bicycle so I went to Adidas to get a sneaker, Amazon to get a backpack, and GAP to get a hoodie. I'm back to livin la tomboy life.

When you come over, I need to get another bicycle so we can ride around together :D I wonder if in BG I can go to school on a bike. Will I stand out? probably... and it might be stolen there easily..

I wonder if I should call Lufthansa and ask how much they will charge me for taking the bicycle back.


Thursday 27 March 2014


Hi R! Sorry about asking you to call IB and stuff, after that I read your posts and learnt how busy you are, and felt bad that I asked!

As for me, I have about a week left here and then I'll be in Tokyo for a few days and I'm back on your land.

I think I will be coming around to V to visit you, the new baby of Dr.K and also IB.

It used to be so much fun and excitement going to different places, but nowadays I'm like a granny just wanting her little sofa at the sunny side of the house and staying in peaceful environment where everyday is basically the same, just different plants and animals depending on the season.

I need to snap out of this comfort as I'm about to be stripped of the safety and comfort of home in Japan, back into the hard schedule and studies, risky way to and from school, gypsies stalking me in the supermarket, street dogs barking me home... ugh. Not to mention the pollution.

I need to actually see B, VT, the old capital, was amazing. It was actually the first time I felt ashamed of disliking B with the little I knew of the country. People in the old capital had pride to be a B, and surely those people are the authentic B. I still hate the everyday life there though. if and only I didn't stand out so much but I just look so darn foreign.

I'm bringing with me all my casual gear so I can walk around in sneakers and backpack, some of the clothes from US still fit me and it's sad that I was this fat as a child lol! But then, mom did used to dress us rather baggy so our body shape didnt show.


Wednesday 26 March 2014

R was here!

One of the things that make me happy the most, is when I come online and find posts from R!

Hey R IB has called M about the internet devices again, can you see what they want??
I heard that in order for them to suspend the contract, they need the devices, or something like that. I don't know though, I should not trust these people. They might just take the machines back, and try to continue charging me anyways. I hate that I made this contract with my name!!

I will write you again soon xoxo



Halfway through completing the macaroons presentation for ophthalmology . I am scheduling the rest of the work for tomorrow not procrastinating ,and after all that work on fine tunning the colors , choosing fonts ,using images and making it simple ,I am reaching a desired effect .

The positive thing about the stiff way a power point presentation limits the presentation of an idea itself ,is ,as I mentioned in the simplicity .If I have learnt anything from all the repitatoriums ,reviews and rapid textbooks ,I've been using is using keywords ,ofcourse I've comprehended much of the required medical material ...

I have been extremely exhausted from the ten hours we spend daily at the hospital ,in leftures and in practicals .At the same time cognitively energized and superhyped after a particularly interesting class .All this pepness .I lay on couch with my computer studying out loud rheumatoid disease .Strategically so ,thinking that I am doing the best I can even if so tired ,thinking that a supine position with a slightly elevated torso will improve my head circulation .For that same reason and others I'd lift my legs up of cross them when sitting and studying .

I have been thinking how a  two years from now after finishing this block of Intrenal medicine  ,I'll be at the boards ,and how much will be remembered of these classes.

Today at neurology practical I was all by my lonsome ,out of 22 students of my group .The Neurologist conducting the seminar was textbook narrating everything on Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis .I felt weird at first ,thinking of how escaping was an option earlier when  it was obvious that colleagues won't be coming aftr half an hour the practical start time ,another cue for leaving was when the teacher was asking wether I wanted to stay. These situations demand a certain finece derived from not wanting to go through a yet another class .Both teacher and student wanting the the same ,to just go home at 16:30 .they both say it in a question form and one of them goes on courtiously-well Doctor ,I don't mind ,but if you want to .

I was too eager for neurology ,that I didn't initiate the self programmed cancelled class .Then I did feel wird .However she was such detailer ,I got truelly engaged with interest .It was a private class as little mint commented .

 Today was the day when I finally got motivated to learn the proper neurologic examination .Thats after seeing the doctor explain  it so well perform it with such confidence and automacity .I wnated to BE that.unfortunately It all went so fast that i couldn't take notes ,and will hardly remember all .

Surprising for conventional little was picking few very very multicolored garments online .It's probably THAT spring pep .Yet look who is becoming adventorous .

How is it that a whole month of using the mobile data internet ,several times a day ,this 1 free Gb,even now used for blogging , isn't finite ?


Tuesday 25 March 2014

Spring Pep

Just finished a meal at home after a morning of practicals at the hospital .I quickly mixed up a Tarator in a cup used home made yogurt from full fat milk and added ground walnuts .

It's lightly raining outside ,and the sun hides from time to time .As I was drinking the last of my cup I was wonder struck by the twirling petals that  flew away when stronger wind passed by. A week ago on a
Saturday I noticed that all of the trees under our balcony had blossomed .

Back then I was in a hype ,preparing for the rheumatology block .This week I am swamped with an ophthalmology  project and studying for a test ...I wonder if I can make it all .

Maybe I was particularly fixated on the aesthetic part of the presentation and got behind the working .
However choosing the right color scheme and fonts were crucial.

I realize I am hoarding books and shoes ,It is not an issue for shoes if they are collectibles I'd like to say ,that would be leather oxfords and loafers and such .Nevertheless  what about all the other pairs I never wear...
Books are alright I guess ,I've collected textbooks from most medical series ,I do prefer certain publishers and manage to read from most of them... Still I hoarder


Drink Bar

Drink Bar in Japan is like a self service drink buffet where you can serve yourself drinks from the table as much as you like. Generally there are non alcoholic beverages only, and some hot drinks like various teas and coffee.

I'm very glad that this hotel where I always am has one of this at the lobby. Paying for this service lets me be here for several hours without being an unwelcomed odd person occupying their sofa.

I don't actually drink from there much, but the price is not high at all at 2 euros and I enjoy the comfort of sitting here as an actual customer. I would actually like some grapefruit juice if there were some, but today after the storm of pediatric customers, they seem to be out of one which hardly ever happens. In fact this is the first time I've seen them run out of anything. Except for herbal tea.

Japanese people are so into their "normal" teas like various green tea, local bilkov teas and oolong tea that the herbal or flowery tea that once used to be a choice has not been restocked after I drank them up. I don't think they've even noticed which of the herbal teas are gone, as they're all in a dark green packet with tiny alphabet letters very secretly mentioning what to expect.

I sometimes think about letting them know that their peppermint, spearmint, rose, hibiscus and chamomile tea are absent, but they have already used up the space in their tea basket with those British strawberry flavored black tea packets. Those might be of a "class" and may have costed several times more, but my personal preference were the original herbal teas.

I see athletes. This hotel is famous for the soccer field they started off with. I see people that I've seen on TV, on the news. If I were a boy I might run up to one and ask to shake hands.

Kotooshu, the Sumo wrestler that my whole family lovingly supported over the screen, have announced to leave the stage and to become a trainer himself. He did well. But we'll miss seeing him in matches.

Sunday 23 March 2014


I'm like a VIP here, except I'm never really a customer.

In the little big mountain cottage of my grandparents where people won't know what internet is and not only that but your phone might not connect unless there was that curly cord, this hotel is a real true blessing to have around. I just pay for a tea, perhaps juice, and maybe, maybe if I was lucky also get a cake, and voila, WiFi! I of course can't afford that every single day, but being able to come online at least once a week is something compared to nothing.

I was actually a regular here as a kid as well, when this place was still newly built and smaller than half the size it is now. No one will know probably though. It's usually contractors working here, and they don't work at the same place for a long time. To my convenience though. otherwise they might think of me like some street dog living next to a cafe at the train stations living off everybody's breakfast bacon and eggs muffin.

Thursday 20 March 2014

At Y's

Konnitiwa from Tokyo! I'm currently at R's, waiting for her to finish her work and join me on my way to my grand parents'.

My sister gave me a translation job, and she gave it to me in such a lush that I'm only now regretting ever taking on the work. Too much responsibility for a Snufkin.

But being how she is, I'm pretty sure that my sister will thoroughly check and correct my work before she turns it in as her's, so I should really just get it done, never mind it being far from perfect.

This Office thing, the app for opening the document my sister wants translated, is playing up and for the second time what little work I've completed has been reset. I wish I had this in google documents so every word I write gets automatically saved. I sometimes regret that what I accidentally deleted gets saved tho lol. I dunno which is better.

I don't have time for anything despite being in Tokyo because of the job I was given, but then, if it wasn't for the job and for my sister prepaying me, I wouldn't be able to fly here so I'm not complaining. Much.

I'm making a potato filled with tomato soup atm. I'll see how it goes, and maybe we can try it together when you come over. I added a packet of cheese fondue cheese to the tomato soup so I'm hoping it will go well with the potato. I'm kind of sure it would. What does chese not go well with?

Miss ya.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Time to go

So the jellyfish I am is today drifting to another location where I sadly do not have internet. I hope to find something better than visiting a hotel near, but that's been the only solution for the past decade or so so I don't expect a change.

Just like any other night before travel, or early morning of the exact day, to be more precise, I spend the precious little time left carefully packing everything, which ends up being about 70% of what I have gotten. I and then do try ever so hard to make it look like I at least attempted cleaning the place which is usually my sister's room, and storm out right before it is too late to make it to the flight so I never have that teary farewells and endless rounds of hugs and kisses, which doesn't happen anyways with my Asian family.

Speaking of which, do you know that Japanese are almost all like you, R? They do not like the contact involved in hugs, hate to kiss, and they don't even like to shake hands so they instead exchange business cards. It's kind of a manner here.

There's this package for me from the USA that's been at the customs for about a month. There is tax to be paid for receiving it, and I'm not at the address where it is destinated so I need to write them to let them know what's inside, how much is each and when I will be there. Grr.

I don't think that I usually have to go through customs in japan for the total price, but because it was lots of the same items (lab coats and scrubs) they got suspicious that it might be a business purchase and have called me twice, and want to have tax paid.

As long as I get the package I guess I'm willing to pay Japan tax. I belong to this place anyways. But don't they know that scrubs are meant to be a throw-away-if-vomited-or-bled-on type of clothing that's semi-disposable? Well I don't fully blame them because they're super expensive in Japan. But that was my point of making purchase from the US where the price really is that of a "reusable if not in filth or danger" aprons.

I have about 11 hours left here. Time to get some rest, and then I got work aka packing to do.



Monday 17 March 2014


Oh wow R, I've gotten the same popcorn cup from also Jumbo for our trad friday tech donated nights! Can't wait till we have another one :D

Granma and I had a fun day shopping for ice cream, but I think I've made a personal diagnosis on her "change", so to say.

I caught her leaving the house and casually tagged along to the supermarket where she said she was intending to get some ginger and sesame. When we got there, she needed a little reminder of what to do there so I reminded her, and she got the two in a shopping cart. So far, smooth. And then, she asked me if I wanted to get some ice cream. I said yes! And so for the four of us in the house, she got not four, but 11. She has a tendency of liking a little extra food in the house, courtesy of war time experience, so she generally gets a couple of extras in case there was a guest (which used to happen often but hardly these days. They're outliving most of their friends.) so we don't stop her although it is quite wasteful if thrown, or unhealthy if someone ends up eating two or three servings of that ball of sugar or this bar of fat. But the number this time was truly odd now that I think about it. I didn't think much about it at the time though, can one ever have too many ice cream in the house unless there wasn't a fridge? I also like the idea of extra ice cream much better than other time sensitive desserts.

But, when we came back, brought the ginger to mom and then were casually chatting, my friend Y called, and as soon as I got off the phone she started talking about when Y were staying with us. How we ate, what we did, where we slept, such and such. Y has never stayed in this house of mine where granma always is.

My sister brings her friends around and sometimes they stay, so I laughingly told granma oh that wouldn't be Y, I think you're mistaking for my sister M's friend. Then, all of a sudden, granma was a very upset granny, stern and bitter, insisting that it was for sure Y. I asked her what she knows about Y, and apparently she is a friend of mine from the school near, to which I have never been. I met Y in another country where I was living at the time.

This is just like how granpa was before he was diagnosed with Alzheimers. They start to forget, and to fill in the blank they mix and match their memories which sort of ends up creating a new one. I know which friend of M's granma is talking about. The one that did indeed stay here, ate what she said she served, I don't know what they did but M is friends from her from the neighboring school.

We first thought that granma is just having a difficult time adjusting to the new life, one without granpa, but maybe that's not it.

She has always been kind of a scatterbrain, but recently she's worsened a lot. Like she's cooking something, and then she does something completely strange for what she is cooking so it becomes not what she wanted, and she's a bit confused why it happened. She doesn't seem to think that it was herself that did it, and sometimes asks us to please let her know if we wanted to do something to what she's cooking.

Hopefully this is just a temporary thing. Result of her getting off the huge responsibility she had while taking care of the late granpa. I don't know though, we thought that when granpa started being funny like this and it was there to stay.

I actually think though, that dementia is not a bad thing to have. It's like an anaesthetic to bitterness in life. Something protecting you from the fear of death. If I think about it, dying takes much preparing for, and once I'm done preapring I might be impatient to go on living till I don't know when. Granpa was a very happy person for the last several years of life. He forgot about all the people he lost to war. He didn't remember that he could not have a son despite being the eldest male in his family. In fact a couple of days before he passed away, or was it the day before? anyways, he introduced my dad to me as his son of whom he is very proud of. I thought that that was really cute. This granpa is my mom's dad, so I guess he is a son in law but he's not exactly a son, you know? If dementia can help them have what they wanted and live happily, I want everybody to have one before they die.



There is this one picture of me as a one year old ,in my mothers hands . She wears a dress ,standing in a flower garden on a sunny summer day .

I look at pictures when I want to remember ,How as a child I imagined the world to be . what I though I'd like to 'Be' too .

Today I open the album of pictures again ,to have my pick of those pictures I'd like to digitize ,enlarge and frame . I have been procrastinating this little project , as well as I have been procrastinating going to the dermatologist to asses this 'not so little anymore ' papule or nodule .You'd think My Dermatology teacher would correct me on this ,not so correct classification . Yet I have to get an appointment , since students do not get any special treatment .

There is this little colorful photograph of one Christmas celebration in kindergarten .All the kids were in the photo  .Our teachers were present .I have to say ;back then they treated me beastly ,I disliked them for that. In addition two actors with costumes of Santa and Snow White-they said  were posing with us. However the charming young lady looked more like an ice princess in my opinion... Odd little me was staring at 'Her Prettiness'  through the whole time ,even during the snap shot Being the only kid not staring back at the camera .


Sunday 16 March 2014


All the ladies in the house went out together yesterday, and I'm so glad that granma seemed very happy. She used to not want to go out. Or eat, or do anything that she considered sinful to do in the absence of granpa, which is downright impossible for surviving because he's not just on a business trip or staying at the hospital. He's gone, and granma has to start living life just for herself now.

Not like we arranged it, but we've been taking turns asking granma to join us for this occasion and that. Like the date spots we revisited of theirs. I guess I can say that she's in good hands and hearts. She lost nearly 10kg after granpa deceased, but I can see her rounding back to her normal shape and that's good.

I have two more days here till I leave. Hoping to make the best out of it :)


Posts ,Parkas and Pistachios

Sometimes when in great anticipation for a package delivery ...I break into song ...

While most of the time I can't wait to view the newly arrived  textbooks or leather shoes .This time it was food items ,or more precise additives that arrived ,with a pair of Caterpillar shoes . My parents are big Fans of the brand of working shoes .Although when I had them bought for me  a few years ago I didn't quite like them .However I smiled and agreed to the unfitting choice  .Never mind I was a tomboy ...

Nowadays part of going to classes , is walking  ,lots of walking . A 20 minute walk from one hospital premise to another ,at least twice a day and most of the week days .It's been a year and a half since my last bus or taxi ride .
 I love it -here is a Cardiac workout without going to the gym ,for which I have no time for anyway - I feel strong and healthy .

Back to the Caterpillars  ,this year I accepted them happily .Because I knew that I had to walk .the leather oxfords  and other precious flats will be ruined in a week if I attempt to incorporate them into an everyday outfit .

The new Cats are more ACCEPTABLE .In fact I kinda like them a lot ! Will go well with my cumin scented Parka , for winter .

Likewise this summer am thinking for getting sports shoes ...Do you have any suggestions H ?

The special package content was the green tin of Curry with a tiny cookbook ,a recipe guide I intend to use soon ,probably with shrimp.Little Mint devours curry chicken ,hence we are definitely cooking that too  ....In addition to flower water "eu de fleur " used in pastry . My mom would drink a cup of water with a drip of eu de fleur or vanilla extract , thus this potion gave her a sweet scent .
I tried this magic once or twice

Other items I will dwell upon soon .

Have had enough pistachios and Arabic coffee for one day ;pretty heavy ,making me so wide awake.


Friday Movie Nights

Yes , The Oreo Peanut butter is a hit on Fridays .Highly recommended  for curious Foodies . Open the biscuit  plates of Oreo and spread a generous amount of peanut butter on the cream .The saltiness of the biscuit and that of the butter are complementary ..courtesy of H's marvelous invention ...

Yesterday was a very long day  ,I say that in a good way .A truly long day with multitude of places gone and things done .

Waking up to a first warm day of a spring upon blossoming .

I was in desperate need of stationary ,to aid organize all of my notes and start on study projects .So I went to Jumbo ,and came home with a mini hall ...items I got were an absolute must for a Friday night ...

 H can you imagine incorporating these popcorn cartons into a movie night .


Where is my Gilmore Girl ?

Micromanaging is the word best describing how this little lemon hope's mom does things around ...
I see my mom in your description H .

TV moms that  classify in this type of motherhood , could be Claire Dunphy from Modern Family .The "mom is always right" attitude and the strict parenthood .Well I do agree with the strict part ,or some parts of it....

Mommy knows best :)

However when we are in no disagreement ; on a road trip, in the bazaar ,or simply when mom is chipper .
We do resemble a couple of Gilmore girls. We are fun ,lovable ,and such darlings .As Anne of Green Gables says , like kindred spirits .. Other wise its a typical Friday night dinner at the Gilmore's every now and then ...

Whenever my Gilmore girl resurfaces ,I embrace that and am more willing to spend time going out exploring new places with mom on a road trip ,leaving to-do lists behind at home ....Contrary to hiding between towers of textbooks .


Saturday 15 March 2014


I'm on a negative thought spree, and I know what my problem is. It's that I'm moving again after three days, and I'm not exactly prepared. And yet, I have no control over my own schedule, and I will be the one facing consequences later. On my own.

I guess I don't always like going out. I have wanna-be-a-clam days where I'm very happy staying home all day, occasionally chatting with JL mint and otherwise spending time doing my own stuff.

What might seem like an hour worth of job takes me a couple or a three, and fair enough that's probably my fault, but so what if it took me 5. If it gets done, it's done. Right? No. No because it then interferes with the program of the day arranged by the queen of the house, mom.

I seriously don't need so much parenting.

Oh R, I'm only now realizing what freedom I have when I'm at uni. I mean, I knew I was a free bird, eating, sleeping, studying whenever I desired, and there was nothing controlling me other than the class schedule of course. But now that I am here, I truly see what a blessing it is to be on own.

I wouldn't think like this if and only I was given some thought. And respect. They all love me but they only love me in the way they want and it's not what I would like. In fact I think I hate it.

I don't want them to spend time with me where I don't want to. I don't want to turn the offer down and then have them upset for me not wanting to be with them. It's not that. I just don't want to go there. Don't they see I love granny chai time, at home, in the kitchen or on the sofa? The big fashionista bitch cafe at the great grand mighty mall tires me. I would love it if they stopped insisting I do this and that.

If I wanted something for 10lv that only I liked, it's far too expensive and a jobless student like me should not feel free to ask for it. But if they like it, and I don't want it but they wanted to buy it for me, then 100lv is ok because they like it. So much logic in their shopping. But whatever, it's their choice. I just don't need to be joining it because it frustrates the whale out of me.

I think we only function as a family when all 5 of us are at one location, neutralizing eachother's toxin. Mom has always been a control freak, but there was always dad for her to pay attention to and serve so it was ok. Now that all her attention is on me, this. seriosly. kills.

Mom sasy that I'm becoming like a mask. With no emotion on the face. If she can see that, why doesn't she try to do anything about it? Why continue being the cause? Blame me for not liking a dictator in my life?

I'm going out with my sister today so hopefully I will have something much better to rant about tonight, and hopefully some pictures too.


Friday 14 March 2014


Everyday I'm builing up a frustration over here where there is no room for myself, and someone talking to me when I'm studying in their presence. I don't know how you manage it R, this is really frustrating to me!

Maybe your family does not bother you like mine do.

They didn't use to do this when I lived with them, but now that I'm hardly ever home, it seems they want to make the most of the time I spend with them.

I think I do that enough, like I go out with them to places 3-4 days a week, and on those days I hardly read anything but I consider it an off day and find peace with it. But this to me means the other days got to be an on day and I need to be left alone.

Have I become selfish and intorelant after all these years away from them? I'm also too chicken to complain to them. All I do is smile, and if there was a room in a house that was vacant, to evacuate there.

I can see though that they're starting to find me cold and irritated. I wish I had left before I start to fail containing my negative feelings towards the situation.

I don't think we are all that great at keeping granma company too, she is not an easy person and doesn't really like how we do things, like what we cook or how I wash even a cardigan after wearing it for a couple of hours.

What bugs me is, that she manages to be upset with what others DO. If I asked her to wash, hang and then fold and store away all my stuff, yeah I can understand. But I do all that. So what is her problem? That I waste resources? CO2? Whales and horses? Global warming??

Too many rules for co-existing comfortably for a long time. She didn't use to have all these rules either, though. Is this a way of aging?

There is an old saying that two captains on a ship makes it land on the mountain. There are three of us in this house. Three house keepers of different house holds, each with their own style. I'm okay with mom because I can just tell her whatever I feel, and she tells me what she's not happy with. But granma, I don't know since when she is so difficult. She's starting to remind me of when granpa started showing signs of Alzheimers.

I don't know where this is going, really.


Thursday 13 March 2014


Granpa has visitors today. It's good for granma to have contact with the outside world again.

I had heard that when granma's father died, there were so many people noone else in the family knew about bringing kouden which is a little money to help with the funeral and possibly hospital related expenses. It's different for our granpa though, as he has visited funerals of all his friends, and the last few still ongoing are being taken care of at home or are in hospice. And still, we  have surprising amount of flowers being sent for granpa from the many places he has lived, and it still keeps on coming even after two months after his passing. It's great that the words are taking time to spread, as if they all came at once, our house will have no place for humans.

I miss him sometimes, especially around 2-3am when no one else is awake. I would miss him all the time if I actually felt like he is gone, but at the moment, even after 2 months, I don't feel like it. 2-3am, It's when the nocturnal creatures like granpa and myself had a midnight feast over some ginger tea and sweets. Where he will tell me bit and pieces of his days as a prisoner of war in Sobiet. About the family he lost. Something he has never talked about in daylight. In fact, after his passing, granma mentioned how I used to always spend a lot of times with granpa, and when I mentioned what we would talk about, I discovered that neither my mom, his daughter, or granma, his wife, has heard of him speak about the war.

Granpa and I got along very, very well. Granma used to laugh that the speed of time is slower around us. And that maybe we were descendants of owls. We used to have a mission of going to the supermarket that we have never been to, and getting something we haven't tried. Sometimes we would get some weird creature of the sea and wait impatiently for granma to come home from work to ask her to cook it for us. She hated that, but we were a little more curious than we were nice.

I wish he got to meet you, R.


Wednesday 12 March 2014


On the package of toothbrushes, it often says that the recommended life of one is a month, or when the brush is spead out. This might not work for people living with someone, but for me, I purchase the paste and the tooth brush together, so I will throw away an empty tube and the used brush together. I often use the old toothbrush to clean around the house before I throw it out too, like the line between tiles in the bathroom.

I have never used toothbrush till it looked used, and I have used one for good 3 months. I don't know if it was just that toothbrush being amazing, but I guess I don't brush in a way that it makes the head go pineapple.

I guess people generally color code their toothbrushes, or get ones of completely different design. In my family we generally color code, unless the toon character ones go on sale and the price was close enough to the plain ones for mom to get convinced. She doesn't like cheap toothbrushes, so if we ever manage to score a toon one, it's when they collaborate with the dentists.

Do you floss? I just can't seem to use the plain string floss on those tooth at the back, so I always get ones with the floss attached to something like a y shaped plastic. I don't think I generally like sweet or flavored tooth pastes. I like minty ones, especially spearmint.

In Oceania I used to use this Nemo toothpaste that had sparkles in it. That's right, a glitter in a toothpaste, and now I think UGH. That's just not right... Hopefully it didn't have any sugar in it. Have you ever seen a toothpaste that says "Sugar free"? I wonder why ANY toothpaste would ever have sugar in it... For the taste?

I went out with granma today for lunch. We had sushi, and then after walking around had a tea time over maron cake. In Japan the maron cakes are called Mont Blanc, I think it's a French or Italian mountain, or the Alps?

I'm too tired to get off this sofa and brush my tooth so I can't sleep yet. Wishing you an amazing class tomorrow R, whatever that is! ;D


Monday 10 March 2014

R and H

If there is one word that describes the both of us, we're short, international and a traveller. Carrot cake lovers and herb teaholics too, but those aren't one word so I will eliminate those. We also love blouses a lot, especially when it's made of silk. We're big on eating. We both have a lot of hair, one like a little Jew girl and the other like Sadako. R's face is also mostly filled with huge pair of eyes. We both have a little mint who we love with all our hearts!

I think we're kind of like Gaspard and Lisa. R have you seen the series?

We have a thing for Haribo's gummy bears, and we like to smear Skippy peanut butter in oreos to have over technology donated movies. We also like popcorn and coke with that. And ice cream.

We love sea food which makes Japan, H's home, an ideal candidate for travelling destination ;D

Speaking of which, have you ever had sesame ice cream? I tried them as a child and didn't know if I like it or not, but I had one again yesterday and it was superb! Haagendaz, an american company that sells the most expensive ice cream in supermarkets in JP, has released two limited editions this spring, Sakura (cherry blossom, something very common and popular in Japanese cuisine) and rose. I can't imagine what rose ice cream would be like. Or, well, I can imagine what rose ice cream will be like, but I can't imagine it being nice, so I think that when I find the $ and courage to afford Haagendaz ice cream, I will be trying the rose.

I do however truly love the rose jam in BG to add to tea. Just a liiiitle bit makes the tea lighter and tastier in my poinion. I like to add an amount that doesn't let me know what exactly it is that's added to the tea. I also in the summer reeeally like to add a drop of Kikkoman soy sauce to the tea. Maybe this is because I tend to not put much salt in food and lack some when it's hot.

I'm missing R a lot these days. Life is so much fun when you're around, R!


Sunday 9 March 2014


I both hate and love being one. I wish I had some kind of income and my own place to comfortably store everything. I have a thing for dishes, and I also like cooking pots. A lot.

Some people say that those that keeps on buying something is purchasing things that they don't think is perfect, and therefore continues to search. What do you think? I personally agree and disagree, with more emphasis on the latter.

I do like what I got, so no it's not that I don't already have a tea pot or a ten and I know I have more salt and pepper shaker and water pitcher than there are months to a year, but I still sometimes come across a must. I don't know if I'm particularly searching for any more, but I just meet them. And love them. And have them.

I know I look like a crazy out of control shopper to some, but I do however have one rule I made for myself. I can't buy nor collect what I can not use. If I actually use it for the purpose or not is another story. So I can not allow myself to buy that rooster decor for the kitchen, but if it's a rooster design huge pitcher that I'll never use, well yes, let's get it so it can sit and look pretty on the kitchen shelf. Doesn't make sense to you? You're not the first one to say.

What do you do with tea sets that you broke a part of, like a saucer or a cup? I once had a beautiful tea set that I broke the tea pot of, so I was just using it to serve purchased bottled tea from the organic market until I accidentally found the same tea pot being sold alone!!! Oh the excitement when I found it, and how glad I was that I didn't simply give up on the whole set.

Today I went to the city because mom asked me to get something from there, and I was so impressed with my ability to not go sightseing in the mall on the kitchen's floor.

I wish I didn't have to not shop.


Saturday 8 March 2014

Road trip to the River Dunav

On Thursday the 6th , my mom and I took a week planned trip to Ruse . As soon as I finished class early in the morning - had the rest of day free - we took off on a two and a half  hour road trip . We made it on time for the birthday dinner of mom's uncle .

The dinner party was at a traditional Bulgarian cuisine restaurant,which made me think that I must order Shopska . My mom was eager to see her family in Ruse and see her uncle . I was happy to see him too ,and all of his children and grand children . I held his warm rheumatic hands and wished him health .

 I was asked ; how many years I got left in school and what am I to do afterwords for specialty .I couldn't answer the latter . I feel like lost in a wonderland with a Cheshire cat for a guide .As if this is going to be the hardest decision to make .I wish I could see my future as it was planned before clearly . I though I would never fall in the conundrum of medical residency and I knew what I wanted .However this is something I am just starting to put the pieces together ,of what I truly want to do and what are my limits and possibilities .

Mom's uncle always tells the story of how he came to be a carpenter during the communistic times .When I first heard the story my brother was retelling it after he and mom came back from Ruse two years ago ,with a set of four adorable wooden chairs-I personally use as book or food table and chairs ....

The storytelling extends to how he married his wife and built a house in the suburbs of Ruse and becoming a citizen of the city...

Ruse in my opinion is a neat place with more of an European influence .After all the border between it and Romania is open and its a matter of a few hours drive to bucharest .The city center makes for a good shoe shopping destination.  The coffee shops there are cozy and modern looking aomething  to look for in our next visit . I was thinking H we might do that together .

Just before leaving ,for the road back home ,we stumbled upon a restaurant called la Strada .It  looked to be on the fancier side with carnival masks hanging on the walls and it had surprisingly affordable prices  .

We arrived home late at around 11 .I had energy to scrub my face clean and wear pajamas  than sink into sleep .I knew that I had to wake up early for a 07:30 lecture of ophthalmology . Luckily the trip and the city were so refreshing ,that I made it on time ,unfortunately ,my green tea had finished and I was in need to be dipped in caffeine to maintain interest for the rest of the day....


Friday 7 March 2014


I learnt from friends that "Japan" in Bulgaria is a super glue, and in Turkey a sandal. Or vice versa, I can't quite recall.

In Japan, Ghana is a product name of sheet of premium chocolate that comes in a red flat box (made with beans imported from Ghana), Napier (town in NZ that exports trees) is a name of boxed tissue papers, and Bulgaria is a name of the authentic yoghurt that is BG approved that comes in a square plastic container, advertised by sumo wrestler Kotooushu.

I think there might be more but can't think of any at the moment. Isn't it interesting? If there is more to "Japan" anywhere else in the world, I'd love to know them.

There is one photo that granpa liked of me, and the dress I was wearing in that photo is now hanging next to the fire place. Mom hand washed it for me after I took it out of the container from the storage.

I might wear it when spring comes, but for now I feel like preserving it for visiting granpa's grave.

BTW, if it interests anybody, the kombu tofu was yummmazing! Highly, highly recommended unless you have thyroid problems.


Thursday 6 March 2014

Tea Pot

Today I got one Japanese tea set. It's white with one small tea pot and five small tea cups. The one I got has some cut out parts filled with semi-transparent glass, and because of the way it lets the light through those parts, this technique/design is called lighting bug.

The traditional things in Japan are very season concerned, and this tea set is really for July, but I guess for now as a student R and I will be using this throughout the year. I would love to own lots of different tea sets for each season/celebration/occasion/fauna and flora though!

I really wanted another tea set that had plum flowers on them, but I decided I couldn't 1)afford two, and 2)carry the both back, and that if I could only get one, all white would suit the dishes I have over there better.

Now that I'm done admiring the white set I got, I wish I had at least photographed the plum flower set so I could consider weather or not I should go get it once I score some yen (JP crrency) or if I should just forget it. I know that you're not supposed to photo places these days because everywhere they're concerned with security, but I guess it's okay to take a pic for self for catalogue-ish use?

I've been regretting not bringing home cinnamon sticks, they're expensive here! But oysters are like 1/5 the price compared to there, and besides here they're sterilized by salt water and ozone or by UV rays so it feels more comfortable eating them raw.

Back to the tea topic, my other house, the main one on mainland JP is surrounded by short tea trees and every year granma picks the newly grown leaves to dry for making tea. I should bring you some!

When we were little, we would return home for the event but I will be chased away after a while because I'm way too busy collecting the tiny snail babies from the tree and am therefore of no help.

These family events are always discussed at family gatherings, and for each harvesting it seems everyone remembers me as a nuisance, like how I will collect centipede while they dug up potatoes or how I caught so many frogs while everyone else planted rice. I wish I had behaved better on the only days of the year that the relatives gathered!

No one is a full time farmer in the family but in the traditional parts of JP, the eldest of the families that have retired grew crops for the whole family so when it came to harvesting everyone spared few days to help.

I got one kombu tofu today. There are many diferent kinds of tofus, but this is the first time I see a kombu one. I wonder if kombu (kelp? Sea vegetable.) will be any good in the olive pesto we keep on discussing.


Wednesday 5 March 2014

Obi Belt for Kimono

Granma gave me an obi which is pretty much a belt for wearing kimono with shrimp design on it, and I'm so in love with it!

It used to be her late older sister's, and this great aunt of mine was what we call in Japan a kidouraku, written as 着(ki=clothing)道楽(douraku=hobby, leisure), people who like to collect different colors and designs of kimonos.

Granma always says that I'm very much like her elder sister, and that she would have loved to have known me more had I been born earlier. I don't know much about her, but seeing all her unique and possibly back then "strange" items, I can imagine what fun person she must have been.

I can wear the kimono itself by myself, but I can't seem to get the obi right. Even when it looks right, after walking around for a couple of hours they start to make me truly appreciate the haori which is an equivalent of a cardigan worn over the kimono, covering the back of the obi.

Speaking of which, I recently learnt that haori, the kimono cardigan which is pretty much a short kimono, used to be allowed only for males because it was part of the army's uniform. It was the geishas who broke the rule, made the kimono cardigan out of all kinds of fancy fabric, and made women all over Japan want one themselves. I like them for that.

I suppose the maikos and geishas were the only working-as-well-as-earning females in Japan, so they had much freedom unlike the rest of the women who were expected to follow the rules and commands of their father and then husband. (Although, strictly speaking, maikos were a property of their "house"s because their "house" bought them all the most luxurious kimonos and obis to prepare them for work each day, but I won't go into the details.). This is not such a bad thing, because just as much as they did not have the freedom to do as they will, if they did something punishable they also did not have to take responsibility themselves. It would dishonor the family's name a lot though.

Of course it's better if the society didn't set rules based on the concept that women are stupid, but then, for whatever the reason if women are as a result protected, it's nice in its own way I think.

The universal movement of women being treated as equal to men is strange to me. Women and men are never the same. We are made to be different, and made to be good and better at what we can do that the other was not designed to do. I think that true equality can not be achieved by leveling numbers.

Anyways R, enough of my sideways rant, I can't wait to see your beautiful pale skin in one of the pink kimonos that doesn't quite look right on my tan :D


Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Little green Men

This is what I wanted to link to the "Room Wear" post, and how I wanted it to look because I myself do not generally click on just a link with no images to show what to expect on the other side of the link.

God I love these Aliens!



I love eclairs. I think they're called nigurche in Bulgaria. Here in Japan it's eclea. They're an elongated version of cream puffs with chocolate grazing at the top. Mmm, I could use another one of those! Although I can't have them often as they always have custard in them which inevitably always has egg in it. But I have zaditen at the mo' and I. Just. Had. One!

I like icings in general, especially the ones made with real cream. I also like sour cream. And butter. I guess I like fat, to put it boldly. And sadly, I look like it.

I wish I had taken a photo of the eclair I just had, but since I didn't I will google image something. Ah,

this one looks mmmmm!

But you know R, like you mentioned, other people have access to this blog too so maybe if there's much access I will delete the photos from google in the posts in the future.

Speaking of cream, I think that yoghurts with at least 3% fat are so much tastier than say 1.5 or 2%. I love how in BG you could choose from so many different varieties. There are some that are much more like sour cream than yoghurt too because they're very very thick, and those with blueberries are my absolute favorite!

I miss you, R. Can't wait to visit you and to have you visit me!


Monday 3 March 2014


3rd of March is a "Princess Day" in Japan where people celebrate their daughters.

We recently lost a family member so we didn't do the whole decoration and stuff but we did have what's called chirashi zushi which literally means scattered sushi (in JP, when there is something in front of sushi it becomes xx zushi with z).

Those yellow things are called kinshi, literally golden strings, but at our place, because I can't eat the egg whites, they're some kind of a pancake just for the color.
I really like these with avocados but we lack the shrimp, salmon roe, sea urchins and most of all Granpa this time.
I wish we had pictured the cakes we had after this. They were special Hina matsuri edition cakes and super cute!
I wish you will join us someday soon, R.

Sunday 2 March 2014

March is my favorite month

March is special in a way that spring is coming and everyone gets to wear arm candy ,Ha?
Martenici ,made of white and red wool  are worn in many forms. The two most seen are the wrist braids ,or Pijo and Penda pinned on a sweater . Pijo and Penda are the yarn doll like boy and girl .That have probably been introduced later in history as part of the tradition ,to illustrate a more fun type of  story for the kids. Similar to what H says about the names of Kiki and Lala ,I too have no idea of which one is which .....

As a child it seemed to be some kind of a competition popular among kids ,to gather as much arm candy as possible of Martenici ,then compare with other children and brag about it ...

It seems to me I have seen one and the same behavior when it comes to Arab women when they show off the arm length  golden bracelets they own ,of course in a more subtle manner .Another example is when kids at school after the Aid holiday would compare they're relatives generosity and affection by mentioning how much money they have been given during that religious event of  .All in all the Aid being not so bad considering the custom of  wearing one's best new clothes ,drinking coffee and eating chocolates or date pastry ...sign me in for the chocolate. Since I never seemed to be remotely average when it came to grading my self with classmates, for received affections from uncles and aunts .
Needles to say I have a scares number of relatives in Bulgaria so I don't get much arm candy either ...

Got too of point ,and the post being about March and Martenici...

I was surprised that ,when I completely spaced out on this national tradition ,my foreign colleagues didn't  ,they brought martenichki to class ,and everyone could pick their liking is my pick ;

Wearing a stack of martenici on the wrist ! wearing a stack of wool  for a whole month !!!
H I have an idea of what you are thinking .As we all know H washes  even newly purchased clothing  and I understand why ,have you've been to a clothing store where people's stains of makeup ,foundation,bodily odors and what not is on the fabric ???...
When woolen martinici get wet ,for instance after a shower or washing the dishes ,they start to itch a bit .I often see little children after weeks of typical children's activities and playing outside ,without removing the martenici  or replacing them ;with a grayish stack of wool on their hands ....Oh well one is not supposed to remove them ... I say this in a "HA HA " way, not in a "March Grinch " way..

The Origin ,is a legend , which is so long I wouldn't want to dwell on . Here is a link instead , to a post on the whole story ...

Today  a symbol of  health and transition to spring ...the most romantic part of it all is that at the first sight of  of a returning flock from south or hardly a white stork towards the end of the month ; tying the martenica on a blossoming branch will make the wish you made upon wearing  it ,come true....And I say hardly seeing a stork because these creature will rarely be seen in the big city .

As a child I saw one in while roaming the streets of my grandma's village .I loved doing that ,just wandering, talking to the domestic animals on the streets ,giving them names and throwing berries to the donkeys by the road so they can have a taste of something other than grass for a change ...


In pajamas

It's a cold rainy day ,here in Bulgaria . I adore winter days , they contribute to the perfect indoor ,  wearing pajamas and reading our blog atmosphere .On such occasion as this Sunday I usually prepare with enthusiasm for the time I am going to spend soacking on a couch .

Here is my recipe for rainy days ,a chicken broth soup ,with Calamata and garlic homemade pesto bruschetta . H I can't wait till we try it together and play with the olive pesto ingredients ...

For a home wear ,favourite pair of pajamas and a warm sweater , fox socks  preferably for that extra cuteness ,and knitted pair of  traditional Bulgarian home footwear "Terlichki" . Here are the terlichki I wore this winter ...

Indoor entertainment will include a bit of imagination ,if the imagination generator is too worked up from the week .Opt for an episode or many of Adventure Time . Here is what Finn and Jake do in their rainy day in
 " rainy day daydream" episode .

Finally what is a day on the couch without dosing off into a sweet nap ....


Saturday 1 March 2014

Room Wear

What do you wear at home?

Do you have clothes specifically purchased for wearing at home? Or do you wear what you feel is too old and worn for wearing in public at home?

I guess it really depends on what you wear outside to being with. When I wore jeans, polo or a tee and a GAP hoodie, whatever that got worn out became a lounge wear. When I was little and wore blouses, blazers, skirts and oxfords, I had the pajamas for sleeping in, casual dresses and sporty clothes for living in, and those for school. Now I have some of everything.

Recently, I usually wear at home things I purchased specifically for home, and they're generally what I'm too old for being seen in. Most of my favorites are Sanrio character printed items, some are WB, Disney and others from children's books. 

My two wash-as-a-delicate favorites are Le Petit Prince pj pants from Oysho and Keroppi sweater <3

I had so many Hello Kitty clothes but I recently discovered those got thrown away while I was abroad. To my shock. And surprise. And disappointment. But they said they figured I would have grown out of it by now, and I'm ok with simply buying more.

I must say, though, that the recent trend of Hello Kitty is not my taste. How could I describe it, they're noisy looking. Way too vivid, colorful, pop and... gangsta? I guess I'm just too old to understand and appreciate the design.

I'm taking my time behaving my age. Ever since I arrived in Japan, every relative I meet mentions how I should really consider settling down soon as I'm a "good age" for it. I know they are worried about me and my never ending immaturity, but if aging properly makes me as boring as they are, no thanks, at least for now.

Yesterday I got Toy Story's Alien (Little green Men) printed top, and it got mom laughing and then annoyed. She asked me what I liked about it, and I asked her if she has seen the movie. Her answer was no, so I told her that anyone who's seen the movie will love his ooooh. I always wash new clothing before I wear it because I don't consider them clean when they're new, and I've put the Alein in the washing machine but I caught mom hand washing it for me. I guess she gets the adorableness now.